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Print or Byte?

Won't digital publishing destroy the old-fashioned book? Scott McLemee reads up on "the hidden revolution"....

History We Can't Afford to Repeat

For the 11th time since World War II, boom has turned to bust in our economy. Recession brings change in...

'What Just Ain't So'

Mark Twain once observed that “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know...

Class Observation Report

At U of All People, as at most colleges, professors examine their peers' teaching performance. David Galef reports on one such encounter.

Monsters With Constituencies

Recent incidents with controversial campus speakers illustrate exactly why colleges must be open to such voices, writes Cary Nelson.

Members Only

All the dark secrets of university life are known to insiders who subscribe to AcademoList. Scott McLemee reports, you decide...

Encouraging Political Incorrectness and Civility

Paul Lyons considers how to encourage undergraduates to talk about sensitive issues, including race, without fear of offending liberal dogma but showing respect for all.

We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.