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From Both Sides Now

Janet Mason Ellerby went from being a professor to serving as an administrator -- and found that academic freedom did not provide the same protections she enjoyed on the faculty.

Bucking Conventional Wisdom on College Costs

Myths about higher education, believed inside and outside academe, hinder efforts to make key decisions, write Dennis Jones and Jane Wellman.

Professor Krammer Cleans Out His Office

David Galef looks on as an emeritus professor, wistfully, prepares to leave U of All People.

The Inadequacy of Increased Disclosure

Increasing what scientists must report about their financial conflicts of interest won’t affect misconduct, writes Brian Hanley. Scientific fraud is the root problem that needs to be addressed.

The Dangling Man

Isaac Rosenfeld, author and adjunct, defied the cult of success. Scott McLemee indulges in some hero worship.

Zen and the Art of Academic Motorcycling

When the pressures of the job are getting to him, Todd Diacon hops on his bike and hits the road.

The 4% Principle

Building traditions and a sense of community -- even if they take a little time -- are crucial to the success of administrators, writes Ronald S. Byrnes.

Clutter and Cheese Croissants

Maria Shine Stewart planned to take advantage of slightly quieter summer days to clean house. She instead confronts her packrat tendencies.