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Andy Warhol, Then and Now

Was the artist actually a great philosopher -- or Norman Rockwell's aesthetic heir? Scott McLemee goes Pop.

Put Out to Pasture

Bob Blaisdell writes that professors, like athletes, have their prime years before aging takes a toll. But he still loves the game.

How Much Is Enough?

Colleges are still being too cautious about using their endowments, write Burton A. Weisbrod and Evelyn D. Asch.

Cheers and Cautions on Credit Cards

A new federal law will protect college students from excessive debt, but it has flaws of omission and commission that will most affect the most vulnerable, writes Karen Gross.

Everywhere and Nowhere

Kevin M. Schultz and Paul Harvey consider the status of religion in the study of history.

On Teaching Christianity

Colleges shouldn't be afraid of adding theological approaches to the dominant sociological or historical focus, writes Adam Kotsko.

A Taste for Language

An academic autobiography that's not at all self-centered? Scott McLemee looks into an interesting composition.

Gerrymandering the Canon

Scholars should move beyond dividing literature by nationality and stop equating literature with literature written in English, writes Dan Edelstein.