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Equalizing Merit and Economic Opportunity

Admissions criteria may be biased against low-income students. But the potential solutions present dangers of their own, John V. Lombardi warns.

Happiness and Education

Liberal arts colleges need to rethink the way they sell the value of their education, writes Jeffrey Nesteruk.

Toward a Transparent Classroom

Technology can disrupt and distract or enhance communication between students and teachers. Which will it be? Jefferson Flanders asks.

Former Students

Terry Caesar reflects on why he remembers some and what it means to be remembered.

The Power of 3

The imposition of a hard and fast tenure standard for publications at David Rivers's liberal arts college has taken a toll, he says.

The Consecrated Heretic

This year is the double anniversary of Sartre's birth and death. Scott McLemee finds no exit from his legacy.

Tenure and Promotion Goes Crazy

Assassins, fools and silly procedures derail careers and degrade our fellow professors, write Cary Nelson and Stephen Watt.

Information, Please

Reference books are the lowest form of scholarship. That makes reading them a guilty pleasure, Scott McLemee confesses.