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Filthy Lucre

Terry Caesar reflects on academics' ambivalence and ignorance about money.

Show Clio the Money!

In lobbying for the historical profession, it's all about the dead presidents.

Long Tails in Higher Education

Saul Fisher applies an economic theory of the Internet age to academe.

Listening to the Witness

Scott McLemee listens to the ethical implications of Paul Ricoeur's thought and example.

Understanding the New SAT

Paul Marthers writes about what an admissions dean at a liberal arts college will be watching.

Remembering Ricoeur

One of France's great philosophers died last week. So when do the denunciations start?

Disposition for Bias

KC Johnson sees a growing movement in education programs to require ideological conformity.

The Medium Is the Moral

Michael Bugeja analyzes what went wrong with Duke's iPod experiement.