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Saving the Soul of Public Research Universities

Joseph C. Burke writes that institutions need a better way to resolve the tensions over whether to emphasize prestige or public purpose.

The Life and Times of T-Shirts

Terry Caesar considers the real meanings behind clothing with college and university names.

Aggregate This!

The academic blogosphere has no home base. Scott McLemee has a vision of the not too distant future.

Worse Than Ever?

Everyone complains that student writing skills have declined, but the evidence doesn't back up that view, writes Laurence Musgrove.

The Selective Critique

Scholars who forced society to look for the real meanings in language more than a decade ago need to apply that approach to language used in academe today, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Life in the Circus

Marc Zimmer analyzes the performances he must make to teach college students.

How to Succeed in Report Writing Without Really Making Sense

The draft released by the federal commission on higher education fundamentally misunderstands the role -- frequently negative -- of consumer values, writes Sherman Dorn.

Public Access

University presses now have a chance for their books to reach larger audiences. Scott McLemee wonders when they'll start taking it....