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The Integrity of History Education

Legislation targeting K-12 classrooms also threatens the integrity of history education in colleges and universities, James Grossman and Jeremy C. Young write.

Character and Admission

With the Supreme Court likely poised to bar affirmative action in admissions, it’s time to think about what we can consider, write Tom Bear and David Holmes.

A Message to Students About ‘The Bot’

In a world where students are taught to write like robots, it’s no surprise that a robot can write for them, Julia McKenzie Munemo writes.

Worried About ChatGPT? Don’t Be

ChatGPT raises questions about what we value in writing instruction, Hetal Thaker writes.

Investing in Ukraine Through Scholarships

Alfred University president Mark Zupan encourages other university administrators to continue to invest in Ukraine, its people and its future through scholarships.

Of Hobbitology

Scott McLemee interviews author Robert T. Tally Jr. on J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: Realizing History Through Fantasy: A Critical Companion.

Beyond Apologies

Universities must do more to confront their complicity in slavery and colonization, moving beyond apologies and toward restitution and repair, Sharon Stein writes.

An Uneven Job Market for Assistant Professors

The assistant professor job market is actually growing, but not for everyone, Peter Lange and Anthony J. Olejniczak write.