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Welcome to the Occupation

Protest spreads from Wall Street to cities throughout the country. Scott McLemee interviews four professors who are tracking the movement.


Higher education is due for the kind of data revolution that has so changed our thinking about success in baseball, writes Ryan Craig.

Completion Rates in Context

Holding community colleges accountable for students' degree progress is appropriate -- but only if we use the right measures, argues Craig Clagett.

Why Occupy Colleges?

Students have good reason to express anger and to cry out for help, writes John Pelletier.

Online Higher Education's Individualist Fallacy

Champions of distance learning ignore the role that institutional culture and the classroom dynamic play in how people learn, writes Johann Neem.

New Higher Education Model

With state support eroding, public colleges and universities should go online to expand the reach of their academic programs, Jeb Bush and Jim Hunt argue.

A Little History of Philosophy

Will a new series from Yale University Press aimed at young readers (and the occasional grown-up) catch fire? Scott McLemee takes a look.

Hofstadter's 'Lost' Book

Ben Hufbauer reflects on how a textbook changed the genre, the way the public viewed American history and the way he shaped his career.