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Reimagining Access

We must create a new community-based, equity-focused agenda for community colleges, Karen A. Stout writes.

Rethinking Community College Workforce Programs

Community colleges need to look very closely at such programs to assess how well they fit within their equity missions, writes Jim Jacobs.

The Mandate Maze

Michael J. Vernick, Molly E. Whitman and McKenzie F. Miller advise colleges on the legal issues related to vaccine mandates.

Making Graduate Admissions Inclusive

Josephine M. Moreno outlines the steps universities and departments should take.

The Plight and Promise of Regional Colleges and Universities

Higher education is in the midst of colossal change, and regional institutions are at particular risk. Here’s what they need to do, writes Eric Skipper.

Guess Who’s Coming to the Lecture?

Unlike the controlled environments of physical classrooms, online education can directly expose those of us doing antiracist work to unintended and hostile audiences, writes Mark James.

Beyond Implicit Bias

Are implicit bias workshops just a Band-Aid approach to racial justice and equity challenges on campuses, or can they actually have an impact? Edward Pittman provides some answers.

Beyond Dollars and Cents

The full value of higher education can’t be measured in financial outcomes alone but must also take into account the advancement of social justice, argue Kayla C. Elliot and Tiffany Jones.