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Assessment for 'Us' and Assessment for 'Them'

In the movie "Ghostbusters," Dan Aykroyd commiserates with Bill Murray after the two lose their jobs as university researchers. “Personally...

The Defense Department vs. Free Speech on Campus

Proposed regulations about military recruiting and ROTC threaten key academic values, writes John K. Wilson.

Standardize Financial Aid Award Letters

The current approach often confuses, or misleads, students and families about what college will cost them, says Mark Kantrowitz. He offers a proposal for change.

The Inevitability of Intimacy

Moving to the tenure track means rethinking walls between professional and personal identity, writes Alex Golub.

Mass Culture 2.0

A prominent librarian utters dire warnings about new media. Scott McLemee hits the books.

Academic Freedom Needs Defending -- From Ward Churchill

Defenders of the controversial professor are undercutting the values they say they want to protect, writes Anne D. Neal.

Why Antioch Matters

The demise of a unique liberal arts college reflects a series of lamentable trends in higher education, writes Cary Nelson.

Service: The Un-loved Third Rail

Many professors see institutional work as a distraction from research and teaching. They and their colleges must change that, Jim Lakso and Jim Tuten write.