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What Bubble?

Robert B. Archibald and David H. Feldman question recent predictions that higher education is about to face a major collapse.

Time to Teach Financial Literacy

Colleges need to prepare students for balancing budgets and managing money, writes Steven Bahls.

The Facebook Mirror

The social networking site makes it more difficult to teach students to write for those other than themselves, writes Lisa Lebduska.

Car Sales and College Graduation

We get monthly economic data on which automobiles are selling -- but must wait years to know how many are completing college. What's wrong with this picture? asks Nate Johnson.

Full Bore

A new book looks at the history of boredom. Scott McLemee is fascinated.

Ears to the Ground

Susan Herbst considers the state of research on public opinion and how to apply it to figure out campus opinion.

Telling It as It Is

Craig Stark is proud of sharing difficult realities with freshmen. He wonders why he struggles to be frank with seniors about what they will face after graduation.

When Systems Evolve

Missing from the debate over governance in Wisconsin and elsewhere is an important fact, writes Daniel J. Julius: The relationship between flagships and states has never been set in stone.