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Moving Beyond Tenure

A dean writes that replacing the current system with one based on renewable contracts would benefit both institutions and professors.

Serious Bloggers

Academics should worry less and experiment more with their online writing, suggests Jeff Rice.

The Transient Academic

Shari Wilson examines the impact of having no job security on adjuncts and their institutions.

A Win-Win-Win Situation

A program that pairs faculty members with sports teams opens eyes for professors and doors for athletes, Michael Nelson writes.

The Heart Has Its Reasons

Now that the cards and long-stem roses have been sent, Scott McLemee takes a look at a short, dense book about the meaning of love.

Brain Drain Is Not Inevitable

American colleges should place more emphasis on educating those foreign students who will help their home colleges, writes Joan Dassin.

Minding the Student Client

If we want more minority Ph.D.'s in the sciences, we need to start listening to minority graduate students, writes Daryl E. Chubin.

Earning Your Trophies (or Not)

The culture of youth soccer is hurting higher education, writes James Ricky Cox.