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Reality Check

Sorry men, writes Mary Hatcher-Skeers, the gender equity problem in science has not been solved.

The Final Six Months

Revamp the financial aid system? Robert Shireman says the Education Department might focus its energy in its last days on a less-ambitious but helpful goal: better URLs for its Web sites.

A Debt of Honor -- Skipped Out On

Newspapers keep abandoning any responsibility toward books. Scott McLemee looks back at print culture....

Teaching Composition: A Reconsideration

William Major writes that it's time to stop complaining about how students write, and to get more professors in the classroom.

A Moral Obligation to Retire?

Philosophers offer views -- ethical and practical -- on whether older scholars should be making room for new Ph.D.'s.

Ensuring That States Support Higher Ed

For the sake of students, Congress should require legislatures to maintain their funding of higher education, F. King Alexander writes.

What the Army Taught Me About Teaching

Martha Kinney writes that she learned more about reaching poorly prepared students when she was in the military than in grad school.

It's All Geek to Me

We have, by contemporary standards, a mixed marriage, for I am a nerd, while my wife is a geek. A...