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In a Shallow Grave

A new book worries over what the Internet is doing to our brains. Scott McLemee scratches his head.

Berkeley's Uncommon Common Experience

I’ve been teaching an early summer graduate course in Corporate and Professional Ethics. As in all my courses, one of...

Digital Students, Industrial-Era Universities

The mismatch between student and faculty expectations is broader than many acknowledge, writes Arthur Levine.

Taming the Textbook Market

Embracing a new model for publishing academic learning content may help faculty avoid repeating the errors of scholarly journal communication -- and librarians are ready to help, Steven Bell writes.

Learning From the Masters (Tournament)

A trip to golf's premier event reinforced for David Stinebeck how far short colleges fall when it comes to customer service.

Beyond the Fields We Know

Martin Gardner was a polymath with a sense of humor. Scott McLemee pays tribute.

A Better Way to Borrow

Australia shows how the U.S. could reform its student loan system to be based on income, without burdens or uncertainty placed on colleges or borrowers, write Bruce Chapman and Yael Shavit.

A Better Way to Grade

Faculty members can use student peer review to make the process more meaningful, writes Steven J. Corbett.