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More to Life Than AP

Colleges need to let high school students know that they value genuine experiences more than the quantity of Advanced Placement courses they take, writes Stuart Schmill.

Our Greedy Colleges 2.0

Andrew Gillen proposes some refinements to William J. Bennett's 25-year-old hypothesis tying federal financial aid to tuition increases.

The Problem With Smoke-Free Campuses

The trendy prohibition at many colleges is not only dishonest and misguided, but might well be dangerous to students, too, one professor argues.

An Unlikely Exchange

Michael Clifford, investor in for-profit colleges, and Bob Shireman, architect of Obama administration's regulation of the sector, debate higher education quality, online education, and other issues.

Subliminal Nation

Do advertisers aim hidden messages at the public? Scott McLemee examines a cultural history of concealed influence.

When Words Don't Matter

William Major wants his students to know what Frederick Douglass taught himself about the power of literacy and the importance of choices.

Instructional Designers Wanted: No Experience Necessary

Apple's new tools make it possible for anyone to design textbooks and courses -- but is that necessarily good for students and professors? Alan Reid asks.

To Limit Debt, Promote Savings

The federal government could create small savings accounts for every newborn child, and change the equation on paying for college, write Reid Cramer and William Elliott III.