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In Defense of Frivolous Questions

Gizem Karaali, a mathematics scholar, decided to teach a seminar for first-year students with one of those course titles critics love to mock (Can Zombies Do Math?). Much was learned.

iPad for Academics, 2 Years Later

The much hyped device has lived up to its promise for scholars, but won't replace the laptop, writes Alex Golub.

U of Few People

A remaining student (channeled by David Galef) describes how U of All People looks in 2017 after yet another in a series of budget cutbacks.

Improving a Treasured Institution

Some scholars are alarmed by planned changes at the New York Public Library. But Anthony Marx writes that the shifts will promote research and protect the collections.

Going Digital ≠ Lower Textbook Prices

The price of content is too often overshadowed by the mode of delivery in the discussion about how to drive down the cost of educational materials, writes Caroline Vanderlip.

Why Have Children?

Procreation is a choice -- but is it a good one? Scott McLemee considers a philosopher's take on the question.

Failure to Change

Robert J. Sternberg considers why many colleges are unable to carry out plans for meaningful improvements of their institutions.

Humanities and Public Life

Teresa Mangum explains how a new book series aims to promote a broader sense of the mission of academic work.