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A Learning Society

Even in times of economic turmoil -- especially then -- higher education must be expanded to serve adults, for them and for us, writes Mike Rose.

Wheelchair Citizenship

There's more to the American past than able-bodied pioneers. Scott McLemee reads A Disability History of the United States.

'My Vote Doesn't Matter'

Colleges can help students surmount political cynicism, write Paul Loeb, Alexander Astin and Parker J. Palmer.

A Call to Serve

The tragedy in Libya illustrates why American students need to be inspired to study the region and to serve their country with their knowledge, writes James I. Gadsden.

Preserve Real Application Essays

If colleges don't want glib, packaged answers, they should stop asking easy questions, writes Peter Laipson.

A Sense of Entitlement

Given that they aren't paid like Wall Streeters, college professors and administrators care deeply about their titles -- which makes them prime fodder for Mark Drozdowski.

Marx and Breast-Feeding

David Vine sees many lessons from an unlikely source to make sense of the recent controversy at American University.

Agenda for Research Universities

The world's leading science institutions should consider a model at the Technion to change their relationship to elementary and secondary schools, writes Orit Hazzan.