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MOOCs and Community Colleges

Access and affordability are nothing new to community colleges, writes J. Noah Brown. Neither is quality.

Cocktails With Charles Eliot

One hundred years later, the former president of Harvard alights on an alumni event. Mark Drozdowski fills him in on MOOCs, the Ivy League, and the university's female president.

Where Have All the Faculty Gone?

The growth in the number of professors teaching fully or mostly online gives community college students far fewer opportunities to interact with possible advisers and mentors, writes Keith Kroll.

Wise Saws and Modern Instances

Reaching your 50th birthday is nobody's idea of fun. Scott McLemee is just glad it only happens once.

Oz and Us

Gaye Tuchman considers the way academic programs are being cut at Australian and American campuses, and worries about all the similarities.

The Hijacking of MOOCs

A worthy concept has been degraded and is not nearly as open or online or oriented on educational goals as were its first iterations, writes Kevin Bell.

Trauma, Teaching and Tamerlan

Wick Sloane, a one-time Boston Marathoner, reflects on a surprise on a 2007 class list.

Diversity Then and Now

Gretchel Hathaway considers the evolution of campus moves to be more inclusive, and the officials who lead such efforts.