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The College Sports Bubble

The American system of high-powered intercollegiate athletics is heading for a fall, Richard Vedder writes -- unless burgeoning scandals and problems compel changes.

Crowdsourcing the Curriculum

When humanities professors plan their courses, writes Michael P. Ryan, they should ask students what they would like to see on the syllabus.

An Asian-American Studies Professor Responds

David Palumbo-Liu rebuts a recent essay criticizing his discipline's embrace of a boycott of Israeli scholars and institutions.

Innovation, or Something Else?

Is all the talk about "innovation" masking anxiety about how higher education might be reshaped? Peter Stokes asks.

To Professors of Asian-American Studies

Jonathan Marks asks members of the discipline’s national association: Do you really all support the call for a boycott of Israeli academics?

Murder, She Theorized

Serial killers have become the cultural anti-heroes of the age. Scott McLemee considers a new book that traces the back story of a morbid trend.

Professional Responsibility

Teaching ethics should be part of the job of all faculty members in all disciplines, writes C.K. Gunsalus.

'Gray'-cious Conclusion to a Career

Whether senior professors have a vibrant end to the later stages of their academic careers is largely in their own hands. Roger Baldwin and Michael Zeig offer guidance for how they can do so.