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A professor looks over the shoulder of a student engaged in a classroom, with other students working at desks in the background.

Embracing Constructive Dialogue and Oral Assessments in the Age of AI

Since AI is here to stay, instructors should consider using new approaches to assessing student knowledge, write Graham Clay and Cambriae W. Lee. They offer ideas for preparing dialogue-based activities and assessments, including how they can be enhanced with AI.

Rows of green stadium bleacher seats, suggesting "cheap" or "nosebleed" seats.

The View From the Cheap Seats

It’s easy to shout from high in the bleachers, harder to play with the team: faculty need to be better prepared to participate meaningfully in shared governance, Rachel Toor writes.

An aerial view of the city of Pueblo, Colo., at sunset.

Regional Comprehensive Universities: Separate and Unequal

The gaps in resources between flagships and regional comprehensive universities raise serious equity concerns and are at odds with commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion, Doug Eskew writes.

Dealing With Graduate School Rejections

Applicants and programs need to improve rejection letters and how they are handled.

The white-columned facade of the U.S. Supreme Court

Selective Admissions on Trial

The Supreme Court decision on affirmative action is yet another reminder that emulating Harvard is—and always has been—a fool’s errand, John R. Thelin and Richard W. Trollinger write.

The University of Colorado Boulder campus with Flagstaff Mountain in the background.

Higher Ed Under Threat

Attacks on public higher education are attacks on American democracy, Philip DiStefano writes.

An image of a stethoscope and a human brain, depicting the concept of mental health.

College Mental Health Counselors Aren’t OK

Long-standing failures to invest adequately in college counseling centers have left mental health professionals burned out and feeling that their roles on campus are neither appreciated nor understood, Philip J. Rosenbaum and Richard E. Webb write.

The book jacket for ‘The Ends of Knowledge: Outcomes and Endpoints Across the Arts and Sciences,’ edited by Rachael Scarborough King and Seth Rudy.

‘The Ends of Knowledge’

What are the end points of our disciplines—and when, if ever, could we be done? Seth Rudy and Rachael Scarborough King argue these are questions worth asking.