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Why the Endowment Tax Is Unconstitutional

The endowment tax is an attack on all colleges and universities, done for explicit ideological reasons to try to pressure institutions to silence leftists and lift up conservatives, argues John K. Wilson.

Endowment Taxes and the High Cost of College

The justification of the tax on private college endowments as a means of increasing affordability indicates a misunderstanding of the financial aid system, writes Phillip Levine.

Ethical College Admissions: Meritocracy and Mobility

Jim Jump considers issues of equity in college admissions.

Portrait of a Budget Cut

Adjunct Sara Tatyana Bernstein describes the panic and pain of it all.

Getting Even

Scott McLemee reviews Revenge: A Short Enquiry into Retribution, a compendium of one of the human imagination's most reliable, and cross-cultural, narrative templates.

The Lessons of Engineering Improv

As an engineering professor, Joseph Holtgreive is using an art form designed to focus on the needs of others to help his students turn obstacles into opportunities.

Does Your Institution Really Need a New LMS?

Colleges and universities should avoid “shiny new object syndrome” when considering if they need to move to a new learning management system, writes Sasha Thackaberry.

The Faculty of the Future

Professors, administrators and policy makers actually share a vision about how faculty roles and employment must change. It’s time to implement it, Adrianna Kezar and two colleagues argue.