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Reflections on the Revolution in Chapel Hill

However powerful the cases for and against the University of North Carolina's Silent Sam Confederate statue, there are other relevant parties to consider -- not only in the here and now -- and we neglect them at our peril, warns Peter A. Coclanis.

Ethical College Admissions: Showdown on Affirmative Action

The case is about much more than Harvard, writes Jim Jump.

Defending Idaho's Direct Admissions Program

Matt Freeman clarifies how Idaho's Direct Admissions program works and serves residents of the state.

Seizing the Teachable Moment

Colleges should use current events like the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh to foster understanding in our students, writes Karen Gross.

Polls Apart

Scott McLemee reviews two new scholarly books on the American electorate and its discontents.

Embracing the Value of College Math

Too many students walk out of such classes questioning whether they'll ever make it to graduation, argues Aaron Altose.

Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students

Colleges should put digital tools at the center of their programs for ensuring academic success of students who are first in their families to go to college, write Ana M. Martinez Aleman, Heather Rowan-Kenyon and Mandy Savitz-Romer.

He Said What?

President Trump's use of social media is overturning decades of conventional wisdom from scholars of communications and management and some anthropologists, writes Maurice Hall.