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Doing Faculty Diversity Differently

For faculty of color to accept a job at an isolated college often means a sort of social suicide, writes Ulises Ali Mejias, who offers a possible solution.

Liberal, Conservative or Somewhere in the Middle?

At a time when facts and analysis are devalued or simply ignored, perceptions matter, including how voters perceive the political orientation of colleges, write Terry Hartle and Phil Muehlenbeck.

Ethical College Admissions: The UC Audit

The University of California has work to do to reassure applicants and the public about fairness, writes Jim Jump.

Private Colleges Should Take Transfer Seriously

They are leaving students behind, writes Mat Marquez.

3 Ways to Support Black Students This Fall

Shaylen Hardy offers strategies for colleges to help those students cope with trauma and the other burgeoning mental health challenges on their campuses.

Avoiding Postelection Student Unrest

Debra Mashek suggests a way that campus leaders can help students deal productively with their disappointment and anger, regardless of the political outcome.

An Open Letter to University Leadership

Julia Marcus, Stefan Baral and more than 100 other scholars call on college leaders to take a more humane approach to students during COVID-19.

A Civic Call

Faculty leaders at colleges across the country should lobby their institutions to support voting, including giving people paid time off on Election Day, write Joel P. Christensen and Sarah Pessin.