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Controversial Speech in a Polarized Climate

Activism and charged debate on campuses are certainly not new, but the intensity of the vitriol we’re seeing puts institutional leaders in unfamiliar territory, writes Kevin Kruger.

Imagining the Next Generation of Humanities Research

We need systematic, coordinated institutional efforts to chart a viable future for the humanities in the 21st century, argues Robert Frodeman.

Rejecting Bigotry Is Core to Our Mission

Colleges and universities must be open to concerns and points of view from across the ideological spectrum, writes Michael Roth.

Inside the Monkey Mind

Scott McLemee reviews Monkeytalk: Inside the Worlds and Minds of Primates, which elucidates the two camps that have formed in the study of how intelligence evolved.

Hope and Denial are Not Strategies

Today a great many American colleges and universities -- ranging from those that, at least for now, seem reasonably secure...

10 Ways to Support Students Facing Immigration Crises

Anita Casavantes Bradford, Laura E. Enriquez and Susan Bibler Coutin offer advice to faculty members and administrators.

Why Must It Be Print?

Librarians promote the use of digital tools. Steven J. Bell explains why they don't want professors to make assignments that require only printed materials.

Confronting the Trump Effect on Our Campuses

Yolanda T. Moses highlights four areas that institutions and individuals should focus on to encourage diversity and inclusion over the next four years.