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Brandeis Wasn't Wrong

In 2001 I donated my collection of prints by sculptors to the Block Museum of Art at Northwestern, though some...

More Than Appearances

The new dress code at Morehouse College is about more than clothes, writes Marybeth Gasman.

The Public Option

Can scholarship in the humanities be done outside the ivory tower? Scott McLemee goes to Iowa to find out...

Is Tenure Conservative?

The ultimate in job security discourages the challenging, innovative scholarship it was designed to protect, writes Mark Kingwell.

So What Do They Want From Us, Anyway?

Kevin P. Reilly writes that state colleges and universities shouldn't be afraid of considering what the public wants from them -- and that this wish list essentially is about four issues.

The Limitations of Portfolios

Electronic collections help show the range of students' work, but are not standardized or scalable enough to be used for broad assessment purposes, write Richard Shavelson, Stephen Klein and Roger Benjamin.

State Universities' Tradition of Attrition

Among all the issues in higher education today, retention once again captures our attention. Most influential is the publication of...

New Civil Rights Movement

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated at the US Capitol on Sunday to demand LGBT equality. Scott McLemee thinks while marching...