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Stephen Brockmann wonders if a key cause of the crisis facing humanities programs can be traced to the culture wars of the '80s.

The Critic's Demon

Nona Balakian was an editor at The New York Times Book Review who joined its staff in the 1940s, after...

Forget Green Jobs

Colleges that boast about the environmental training they provide need to remember that these issues must be part of every program and every job, not just a subset, writes David Schejbal.

The Flaw of Overall Rankings

Robert J. Sternberg turns to psychology research to explain why assigning ordinal numbers to colleges is inherently flawed.

Lost in the Middle

While faculty endlessly debate general education and requirements for the major, they should also focus on the potential of electives, writes Dan Edelstein.

For Many, College Isn't Worth It

In this space last Friday, Anthony Carnevale strongly and lengthily argued that “college is still worth it.” He implicitly criticized...

The Bias of Background Checks

Colleges can and should refrain from investigating applicants’ criminal pasts, writes Marsha Weissman.


Why is gun control controversial? Scott McLemee wonders while waiting for the next massacre.