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The Next Hit Reality Show

Donald E. Heller, in a memo to the producer of The Scholar, says it's time to get Ph.D. students some visibility.

The Completion Challenge

Too few students are graduating, and Congress and the states should hold colleges more accountable, Kati Haycock argues.

Gone Fishing

As the Supreme Court nomination process begins, Scott McLemee looks at a literary theorist's latest legal thriller.

Money and Motives

Donald Lazere follows the trail of dollars and ideas in the academic culture wars -- and offers a challenge to the right.

Op. Cit. Etc.

Scott McLemee follows up some cross-references.

Digital Disconnect

A new university policy leads Michael Bugeja into the world of negotiating with cell phone companies.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs

John V. Lombardi on academic reorganizations and the interplay of politics, prestige and money.

A Classic Revisited

A lot has changed since 1908, but F.M. Cornford's guide to academic politics is as good as new.