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Freyday Morning

Inspired by James Frey and Oprah and with appreciation to Wallace Stevens, a poem by Margaret Soltan.

Everything to Everyone

Tarleton Gillespie on why Google's "Book Search" project needs more than fair use.

Why We Need the SMART Program

Sen. Bill Frist writes that colleges have nothing to fear -- and much to gain -- from the new federal scholarships to promote study of math and science.

Stolen Words

Scott McLemee takes a look at a new journal devoted to plagiarism.

Memo From the Chairman

Charles Miller, the head of the Education Department's higher ed commission, offers his emerging views on "accountability."

Tenure Decision

Article about a former professor's arrest on prostitution charges inspires a poem from Will Hochman.

An Idea Too Dangerous to Ignore

An open letter from Brian Thill to those offering to pay students to report on their UCLA professors.

No Professor Left Behind

Colleges should resist the movement to quantify everything they do, writes Edward F. Palm, but that doesn't mean all assessment is bad.