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The Other Conference

Crashing a meeting to which you aren't invited can be more fun and enlightening than attending your own scholarly conclave. Terry Caesar wonders why.

What Drives Parents Crazy?

Marion Franck offers tips for colleges on how to infuriate (and not to infuriate) applicants and their families.

From Foxes to Hedgehogs

Academics should get behind the push for assessment of student learning, says W. Robert Connor -- for their own sake and for students.

The Significance of Electronic Poster Sessions

Steven E. Jones looks at the potential of new forms of literary scholarship.

Oh, Good Lord...

A new book by Garry Wills asks what Jesus meant. Scott McLemee stays for an answer.

The Folly of Federal Policy

Debate over a new financial aid grant program reveals how irrationally Washington makes decisions about higher education, Neal McCluskey argues.

We Can't Do It Alone

Colleges and universities have come under relentless pressure from lawmakers and the public about retention and graduation issues, and demands...

The Isolated Academic

Shari Wilson considers why professors create so many barriers to interacting with others -- and the personal costs of such divides.