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Summer Thoughts -- II

Shari Wilson tries to avoid making this the season of sloth.

Pitching Writing

Laurence Musgrove explores what's wrong with the assignments professors give their students, and how reality TV might help.

Connecting the Dots

State report on Virginia Tech massacre exposes broad failures to share information -- and the need to close the gulf in student information that separates high school from college.

A Swift Kick for Us Humanists

Why do the scientists ask all the good, important questions? Wick Sloane wonders.

A Wiki Situation

Admit it: You sometimes consult Wikipedia. Scott McLemee wonders if you should write for it, too.

No Academic Bill of Rights?

A recent Supreme Court decision, theoretically neutral about professors, could be quite dangerous, writes Dennis Baron.

Leopards in the Temple

Dealing with "unacceptable" student behavior is difficult, Terry Caesar writes, because the concept is so hard to define.

Ward Churchill, ACTA and Public Opinion

Roger W. Bowen writes that the AAUP's new survey of public attitudes on professors conveys a different reality from what people have been hearing.