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Last Bastion of Liberal Education?

Doom and gloom laments appeal for reasons obvious and insidious, but they don't tell the real story, W. Robert Connor argues.

Affirmative Inaction

Universities that really want to hire nonwhite faculty should forget the diversity plans and get into the schools, Alan Contreras writes.

Going Hybrid

In the debut of a new column, a consultant for Eduventures, Kristin L. Greene, says there’s a lot more to mixing online and in-classroom instruction than just knowing that you have some of each.

A Moralist of the Mind

America has lots of conservative pundits. But thinkers? Not so much. Scott McLemee recalls one of the few.

The Value of Commission Reports

Any review of academe must start with the premise that higher education is a complex market with customers whose needs vary greatly, says John V. Lombardi.

Moving Past Survival

Shari Wilson shares tips on motivating students (and yourself) while teaching core courses.

Saving the Soul of Public Research Universities

Joseph C. Burke writes that institutions need a better way to resolve the tensions over whether to emphasize prestige or public purpose.

The Life and Times of T-Shirts

Terry Caesar considers the real meanings behind clothing with college and university names.