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Comparing Wal-Mart and Tiffany

Dissecting surveys of U.S. research spending, John V. Lombardi shows the folly of trying to compare colleges by the numbers.

The Faculty Bench

Margaret Soltan explains why professors ignore the outrages of big-time college athletics and why they need to start paying attention.

Making Inauguration Meaningful

Karen Gross, Southern Vermont’s new president, aims to make her formal debut more than a one-off event. And you can join in.

A Compromise on Unit Records

Sherman Dorn proposes a way to protect privacy while giving educators and politicians the information they need to make colleges better.

The Information Gap on Affirmative Action

As Michigan balloting nears, Michele S. Moses and Lauren P. Saenz worry about what news potential voters are reading -- and not reading.

Christianity: You're Soaking in It

Inside Higher Ed's recent article on the prevalence of religion on campus came as no surprise to me. Although it...

The High and the Low

The late Lawrence W. Levine tried to open the American mind. Scott McLemee hopes for a cease-fire in the culture wars.

The Real Issues at Gallaudet

Lennard J. Davis explains the significance of the protests -- and offers some suggestions for both the student activists and their critics.