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Who's the Boss?

"I wasn't anybody's superior." --Amélie, in Fear and Trembling One way to characterize work in higher education: It has no...

After the Vote, Moving On

Michigan's abolition of affirmative action doesn't end colleges' responsibility to promote diversity; it only changes the tactics, writes Russell Olwell.

Time to Team Up with Teach For America

As colleges watch graduates pour into the teachers' corps, they should work to support the program and the participants, Daniel R. Porterfield writes.

Ignorant of Their Ignorance

Shari Wilson writes about students and their inability to predict their academic performance -- and why their instructors should worry.

You Hide, They Seek

Where's Thomas Pynchon? Scott McLemee finds traces....

A Green Future

Colleges have a responsibility to be leaders in promoting environmental responsibility, write Paul Marthers and Amir Rahnamay-Azar.

YouTube and the Cultural Studies Classroom

If professors check out the popular video site, they will find numerous curricular tools -- and learn about "macking on cupcakes" as well, writes Christopher Conway.

Time for a New Strategy

In wake of Michigan vote on affirmative action, proponents of racial and economic justice in higher education need a new approach, says Richard D. Kahlenberg.