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Reject the 'Finish in 4' Fad

"Finish in four, I promise!" That is what Northern Arizona University is telling its incoming students. With a little better...

Motivation and Its Discontents

Will bringing in an inspirational speaker cure the faculty blues? Scott McLemee describes a skirmish in the culture wars.

Out of State Checks and Academic Credits

As the nation’s registrars gather this week in Boston, Wick Sloane applies a dash of Open Source thinking to the costly, intractable data, articulation, credit-transfer muddle in higher education.

A Time for Casting Away

As her academic career evolves, Amy L. Wink reconsiders the books she needs to have, and those she can give up.

Changing SEOG to Save It

Killing the student grant program is a bad idea, says Constantine Curris, but some criticisms of it are warranted.


Laurence Musgrove is no Luddite, but he's sick of being told he has to learn some new gizmo to reach his students.

The Invisible Woman

Thanks to DNA testing, Sally Hemings is fully part of national history. Scott McLemee considers the work of a scholar who fears the real story will be whitewashed.

Comparatively Speaking

How do you measure the best religion? The best marriage? Hard to say. The same is true in assessing colleges, Bernard Fryshman writes.