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Students and Campus Leadership - I

However much they intend to be strong advocates, student body presidents are too easily coopted, writes Chris Odinet.

Students and Campus Leadership - II

When they look to their institutions' presidents, students aren't getting inspired, writes Justin Elliott.

Sailing from Ithaka

There's a new report on the future of digital publishing in academe. Scott McLemee thinks you should drop everything and read it posthaste.

The Cult of Speed

College rankings are a crutch that too many students and families use to avoid a thoughtful search for the right fit, Alan Contreras says.

The Churchill Firing - I

The University of Colorado protected both academic freedom and academic integrity, writes Hank Brown.

The Churchill Firing -- II

Research misconduct is in the eye of the beholder, writes Gary Witherspoon.

The Wrong Traditions in Admissions

It's time for real change, not just tinkering, in how colleges admit students, writes William E. Sedlacek.

Robbing the Rich to Give to the Richest

Congress is taking money from lenders to help students afford college. It should also make colleges -- the real fat cats -- spend more of their own money to do the same, writes Lynne Munson.