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From Plymouth Rock to Plato's Retreat

Last week, Intellectual Affairs gave the recent cable TV miniseries “Sex: The Revolution” a nod of recognition, however qualified, for...

Toward Federal Funding of Guaranteed Student Loans

The U.S. government's new plan for keeping lenders in the loan program -- requested by lenders themselves -- resuscitates an appealing idea that they rejected a decade ago, Donald M. Feuerstein writes.

Foul Play

Carolyn F. Segal, an English professor, and Libby Segal, her daughter and a college athlete, reflect on what it means when a team is eliminated.

Foul Play

Carolyn F. Segal, an English professor, and Libby Segal, her daughter and a college athlete, reflect on what it means when a team is eliminated.

Demise of a Good Idea

College lobbyists cited privacy issues to kill off "unit records," writes Kevin Carey, even as they use a similar system for their own purposes.

Sex: The Revolution

Are cable TV writers cribbing from Foucault? Not exactly. But Scott McLemee is keeping an eye on them anyway.

Research Funds for Technophiles

Mark Bauerlein wonders if the new programs to study the impact of digital culture on students and learning are really open-minded.

Massachusetts Should Tax Harvard

James D. Miller defends as logical a state lawmaker's proposal to tax the assets of the wealthy colleges and universities within the state's borders.