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Access Without Support Is Not Opportunity

To reach disadvantaged students, colleges need to move beyond minor curricular enhancements and build on bolder initiatives being tried at some community colleges, writes Vincent Tinto.

What's Missing From 'Open' Courses

I've been thinking a lot about death lately. Don't worry—I'm not clinically depressed or gravely ill. None of my pets...

Where Graduates are Grandmothers

Community college graduation rates may seem low, but Wick Sloane looks at the stories behind the graduates themselves.

Books Exposed

What are the potential crossover books from university presses in the fall? Scott McLemee begins the survey...

'Doctor of Humane Lettuce'

Many years ago, I was at a New York Philharmonic concert with my husband. Isaac Stern was performing, and given...

The Value of a Textbook

Robert Brooker sympathizes with his students' complaints about the books' costs, but argues that their value is worth it.

A Defense of Non-European Languages

Alexander Maxwell argues that eliminating a German department may be an entirely appropriate decision for a university to make.

Of Mentors and Intellectuals

A recent loss reminds Rob Weir of the importance of looking for ideas in unorthodox places.