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Encouraging Political Incorrectness and Civility

Paul Lyons considers how to encourage undergraduates to talk about sensitive issues, including race, without fear of offending liberal dogma but showing respect for all.

We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.

The Stimulus Package -- News From the Front

Hundreds of billions of dollars are flowing. Wick Sloane wonders: Can't the country spare $100 in textbook loaners for each of the nation's community college students?

No More 'One and Dones'

The National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division I men's basketball tournament resumes today. After the nets have been cut at the...

A Change is Gonna Come

One university press shifts to digital, and more will eventually. Scott McLemee wonders if there's more to it than "YouTube with footnotes"...

The Admissions Lottery

Given the competition, acceptance to selective colleges has become almost a random process. Why not end the myth, Chad Aldeman writes, and admit qualified students using a raffle?

Knowledge Overload

With so many good scholarly books going unread, and good conference papers unheard, it's time to rethink how we share information in academe, writes Ken Coates.

Getting Serious About Research Online

Higher education needs to get serious about materials found in electronic formats, writes Sara Kubik.