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Amazing Disgrace

The historian Michael Bellesiles is making a comeback. Scott McLemee remembers why he had to leave in the first place.

Why Grading Is Part of My Job

One of the ways professors help their students is making distinctions among them, writes Leonard Cassuto.

Why Middlesex Matters

John Protevi considers why so many American academics have joined the fight to save a noted philosophy program at a British university.

Speaking of Graduation

Like many less-established institutions, U of All People can't compete for high-profile commencement speakers. David Galef gets inside the discussions there about how to rectify the situation.

College Seats for 75,000

Wick Sloane has a plan to make room for thousands of qualified community college graduates at elite institutions -- by letting elite high schools award bachelor's degrees.

The Eggheads Scramble

How is intellectual life shaping up in the Obama era? Scott McLemee collects evidence from the news vendor.

Confessions of a Tenured Professor

Peter D.G. Brown writes about how he ignored adjunct issues for years, and why he's now become an activist for those off the tenure track.

Unknown and Unaccountable

It's time for lawmakers, the IRS, the press and academics to subject public college and university foundations to more scrutiny, writes Pablo Eisenberg.