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Setting Quality Standards in Higher Ed

Efforts to define and measure learning and other indicators of colleges' success will fall short if they occur outside the academy and ignore the faculty, A. Lee Fritschler argues.

Reaching Veterans

Colleges need a full agenda -- not just federal aid -- to serve this key population of students, writes Steven Knapp.

Solidarity vs. Contingency

The only meaningful way to help adjuncts is to grant them tenure, writes Cary Nelson. And that will require full support from those who have tenure.

My Dog Is My Agent

Maria Shine Stewart presents a paean to the adviser who, wordlessly, helps her navigate the world of professional writing.

The Making of a Real Student Newspaper

Ron Feemster describes his efforts to help community college journalists learn their craft. (Spoiler alert: He's no longer employed there.)

Surrendering to Tomorrow

Once, the e-book reader was a futuristic fantasy. Scott McLemee faces the ambivalence of living it out.

Read the Directions

Let's stop using the term "faculty-driven," especially for things that aren't in fact driven by the faculty, writes Laurence Musgrove.

Teach Your Leaders Well

Faculty members should think about how they can support and guide, not just critique, those taking on new administrative roles this semester, writes Daniel L. Kain.