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Indecision 2012

Two political scientists are publishing a study of the presidential election -- as it's happening. Scott McLemee looks at the work-in-progress.

24 Hours

Michael Bugeja reflects on one of the most difficult days in his career -- and the colleague whose death shook the department.

World Literature in Istanbul

Martin Puchner reflects on a summer school of lessons from Goethe, Pamuk and others.

How to Succeed in Publishing Without Really Trying

With apologies to C.S. Lewis, Bryn Geffert and the characters he channels explore the landscape of open-access publishing.

Delicious Ambiguity

Mark Salisbury explains why he views the role of institutional research and assessment not as fact finding but as something much less certain.

Research or Public Relations?

A recent report suggesting that college graduates have largely weathered the poor economy is flawed and more promotional than scholarly, write Richard Vedder and Daniel Garrett.

A More Perfect Union?

A new book by the eminent philosopher Jürgen Habermas shows signs of political frustration. Scott McLemee shares his pain.

Teaching to Fail

Edward Burger shares an unusual approach he has taken to show students how great ideas are really created -- and how they can learn through their mistakes.