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Content Discovery Demystified

What's your preferred way of finding a paper in your field? Scott McLemee looks at a report on the available options.

The Future is MOOC!

If everyone else can do it, why can't U of All People? David Galef asks.

Fixing Law Reviews

We don't need to abolish them, but we need fewer of them, and more focus on issues that would help lawyers and judges, writes John G. Browning.

Death of the Degree? Not So Fast

Talk of disruption aside, Silicon Valley’s millions and the spread of MOOCs won’t kill the degree – they’ll help improve it, Daniel Pianko and Ryan Craig argue.

Conservatives and the Higher Ed 'Bubble'

In promoting the idea that higher education is headed for economic collapse, conservative commentators risk abandoning the pro-liberal-education legacy of Allan Bloom, writes Jonathan Marks.

London Calling

Has November become the month for student protests over budget cuts and tuition hikes? Scott McLemee reports on developments in London -- and closer to home.

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

Cheryl Reed reflects on the inspiring environment students created in one of her courses.

Veterans Day 2012

Elite colleges seem to be moving backward, not forward, on enrolling -- and even paying attention to -- military veterans, Wick Sloane's annual survey suggests.