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Higher Ed in 2018

Jeb Bush and Randy Best predict a period of significant change for colleges and universities -- from a provider-driven model to a consumer-driven model.

Me Studies

A faculty member drafts a fake job ad to consider what's wrong with higher ed today.

Back to Methuselah

The original search for the fountain of youth didn't pan out -- but a new one is under way. Scott McLemee considers "The Longevity Seekers."

Reform or Retreat?

College presidents and provosts at all institutions -- be they Division I or Division III -- must be vigilant about compromises and challenges to amateurism, writes John R. Thelin.

The College Sports Bubble

The American system of high-powered intercollegiate athletics is heading for a fall, Richard Vedder writes -- unless burgeoning scandals and problems compel changes.

Crowdsourcing the Curriculum

When humanities professors plan their courses, writes Michael P. Ryan, they should ask students what they would like to see on the syllabus.

An Asian-American Studies Professor Responds

David Palumbo-Liu rebuts a recent essay criticizing his discipline's embrace of a boycott of Israeli scholars and institutions.

Innovation, or Something Else?

Is all the talk about "innovation" masking anxiety about how higher education might be reshaped? Peter Stokes asks.