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The Stakes for All of Us

It's not MOOCs or administrative bloat that deserve academe's attention, writes Matthew Pratt Guterl. The issue that is destroying opportunity for students like he once was is the defunding of public higher education.

Thank You, Governor Daniels

Carl Weinberg was one of the Indiana professors who used Howard Zinn's work. He writes of finding out that his curricular choices were subject of angry e-mail by his then-governor.

How Not to Become Road Kill

What do Aeneas and Unix have in common? The answer, writes Steven Neshyba, can help the liberal arts thrive in the era of MOOC hype.

Process Over Product

Higher education is suffering from an identity crisis based on elevating the credential over learning, writes Doug Ward.

Guerrilla Ambush

We've learned to tune out the constant bombardment of advertisements. Scott McLemee looks at a new analysis of techniques for commanding consumer attention.

Now What?

Now that the graduation ceremonies and celebrations are over, Barbara Schneider and Richard Settersten turn to the question on the minds of graduates and their parents: What comes next?

Arguing Our Value

Students (and families) are understandably questioning whether college is worth it. Jennifer Brannock Cox wrestles with how to make the case.

Academe's Persuasion Paradox

Matthew Woessner considers theories about why liberal professors don't indoctrinate students with their views.