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New Model of Tenure

Multiyear contracts and better wages go only so far in helping adjuncts, writes Michael Bérubé. And the current tenure system won't be opened up to them, so he argues that it's time for a new kind of tenure.

Closing With Grace

Alice Brown writes that, sometimes, keeping a college open at any cost is not the best thing for the institution or its students.

Beyond Critical Thinking

There’s a better phrase for what liberal arts colleges should be inculcating in students, R. Owen Williams argues: constructive thinking.

Sweet Briar Memories

Jane Stancill reflects on what she valued about the college, the closure of which was announced this week, and why she left.

Putting It on Paper

The age of print is giving way to the digital age... right? Scott McLemee looks into a scholar’s alternative perspective.

The Right Fit

The decision to close Sweet Briar does not negate the continued need for women's colleges, or their ability to thrive, writes Nancy Gray.

A Metaphor to Retire

David Miller argues that it's time to retire the metaphor of the leaky pipeline when discussing women in science.

Speak Out

The life of the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh should inspire college presidents to speak out on tough issues, even at the risk of taking stands that will offend some, writes Karen Gross.