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How the Critical Interview Became a Major Academic Genre

Under the radar as a form of scholarly writing, it has become ubiquitous, explaining the gnarly terrain of theory and arcane realms of scholarship, writes Jeffrey J. Williams.

Ethical College Admissions: What Parents Won't Accept

Even at the best of schools, there are some things a parent doesn't want to hear, writes Jim Jump.

Common Sense on Colleges and Work-Force Development

Much of the current debate about education for work has a heavy air of unreality about it, writes Kevin P. Reilly.

Screen Memories

Scott McLemee reviews Kate Eichhorn's The End of Forgetting: Growing Up With Social Media.

Veblen Saw It Coming

Several characterizations of the wealthy in his writings seem especially relevant to the ongoing admissions scandal, Mike Martin observes.

Let the Professors Run the University

Faculty members need to reassert themselves as the people who direct discourse on campuses, argues Samuel J. Abrams.

We Need a 'Communiversity' Model of Public Education

The economy requires an aggressive shift to a system, writes Kenneth Ender, where public colleges are stitched together with K-12 and local nonprofits and feature an electronic backbone of support.

Philanthropy for the New Majority

Mort Maimon, a president's spouse, describes why he financially supports students who confront obstacles to obtaining a college degree.