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Ethical College Admissions: Truth, Whole Truth and Nothing but Truth

Should colleges require applicants to submit every SAT and ACT score they have earned? Jim Jump considers the issues.

A Friend at the Front of the Room

Faculty members need to get more involved in helping students with mental health challenges, write engineering professors and deans Steven W. McLaughlin, Alec D. Gallimore and Robert D. Braun.

Recognizing the Shortcomings of Resilience

Difficulties surmounting certain obstacles could, in fact, be indicators that a student should abandon a particular path and pursue something else, writes Danielle Carr Ramdath.

The Reality of State Disinvestment in Public Higher Education

Recent studies have produced an avalanche of questionable statistics, argues F. King Alexander, to the effect that public institutions do not warrant greater taxpayer support.

The Mind-Blowing Hypocrisy of Elite College Admissions

Varsity Blues has exposed just how bad it is, writes Ryan Craig.

Another Thing the Book Burning at Georgia Southern Reveals

The events are partly the consequence of expectations that the delivery of “diverse” content will by itself engineer more equitable and inclusive campus communities, argues David Shih.

2020 Vision

Scott McLemee surveys upcoming university press books that, in anticipation of the coming year's presidential campaigns, focus on the White House or the road to it.

Dismantling the Last Acceptable Prejudice

Rural-serving higher education institutions have a distinct opportunity and obligation to build human capital and engage in wealth-creation efforts in their communities, writes Marion Terenzio.