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It's Past Time

The pandemic could cause permanent college closures, write Amy Laitinen, Clare McCann, David Tandberg and Dustin Weeden, and institutions should already be planning for the possibility.

When Zoom Went Down

Even if it occurred for just for a brief time, the impact on the first day of classes for many students cannot be understated, Ben Stoviak writes.

The Character Moment in College Admission

It belongs as much as other factors, writes David Holmes.
Illustration of students at desks

Standardized Tests Can Promote Rigor

Their use should be watched, but they shouldn't be eliminated, writes Matthew Pietrafetta.

A Matter of Metrics

Colleges should determine and publicly post those that will guide their life-and-death decisions once they reopen, Andrew M. Schocket urges.


Scott McLemee reviews Bernard-Henri Lévy's The Virus in the Age of Madness.

Don’t Rely on Black Faculty to Do the Antiracist Work

Higher education leaders can do more than simply give lip service to the need to dismantle systemic racism, argues Shenique S. Thomas-Davis, who offers a number of recommendations.

A Farewell Letter to DEI Work

Such departments, centers and divisions are spaces of impossibility -- they can't do the things they are tasked with, as they are not empowered to hold people accountable, writes Tatiana McInnis.