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Beyond Implicit Bias

Are implicit bias workshops just a Band-Aid approach to racial justice and equity challenges on campuses, or can they actually have an impact? Edward Pittman provides some answers.

Beyond Dollars and Cents

The full value of higher education can’t be measured in financial outcomes alone but must also take into account the advancement of social justice, argue Kayla C. Elliot and Tiffany Jones.

Are Universities Contributing to Religious Polarization?

Ilana Horwitz explores some of the consequences of higher education institutions sweeping religion under the rug.

The Elites Can’t Fix What’s Wrong With College

It’s time to hold them accountable for what they do and what they don’t do, writes Jerome A. Lucido.

The Transformative Power of Student Voices in the Midst of Racial Injustice

The demands that come from student activists can lead to transformative change if campus leaders work with them respectfully and in partnership, say Joy Gaston Gayles and Alyssa Rockenbach.

A New Future for Humanities Funding?

Grant-making organizations should move away from traditional patterns of support and reward a broader group of institutions and scholars, argues Jeffrey Herlihy-Mera.

Everything Has a History -- but Only for the Elite?

The attack on the humanities, especially at less selective universities, is a violation of some of the basic premises of undergraduate education, argue Mary Beth Norton and James Grossman.

An Investment That Would Pay Off for Society

Our failure to enact racial and economic justice in higher education costs the United States close to $956 billion per year, write Anthony P. Carnevale and Kathryn Peltier Campbell.