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Higher Education Has a Data Problem

Unable to piece together all the different indicators, colleges and their instructors struggle to glean real wisdom, let alone adjust to a student’s needs, write Cathy O’Bryan and Bhavin Shah.

When Did Supporting the GRE Become Being Antidiversity?

Alberto Acereda writes that supporting more diversity in graduate education does not mean one needs to oppose the GRE.

Ethical College Admissions: The College Counselor as Hollywood Agent

Jim Jump writes that the power of a high school counselor to pick up the phone and get a student in was never as real as imagined.

Reshaping the Future of Tutoring

Colleges and universities should reimagine student tutoring by incorporating new cognitive approaches, argue Daniel G. Long II and Jason Kapcala.

What Will the Humanities Look Like in a Decade?

To manifest their relevance and preserve their viability, they need to contribute to multidisciplinary initiatives focused on the numerous crises in humanity, not humanities, argues Robert D. Newman.

What Students Should Study

Students shouldn’t have a choice whether to learn quantitative skills such as data fluency. Colleges must ensure that they do, Ryan Craig writes.

The Trouble With Mandates

Vaccines are not the only solution. It’s time for bold higher education leadership in the face of COVID-19, writes Tim Collins.

The Research University and the Elephant

Jody Greene turns to an ancient parable for insights into the tension over the mission and priorities of these crucial institutions.